Cresco 7, il supercomputer open-source
HOTLAB (High-temperature fuel cells Operating and Testing LAB)
for StoRIES Rearch Infrastructures
MEHNIR (MEthane and Hydrogen Infrastructured with Renewables)
for StoRIES Research Infrastructures
ATES (Advanced Thermal Energy Storage Facility)
for StoRIES Research Infrastructures
TCS (ThermoChemical Storage experimental circuit)
for StoRIES Research Infrastructures
CRESCO/IEMAP (Italian Energy Materials Acceleration Platform)
for StoRIES Research Infrastructures
ZECOMIX (Zero Emission of Carbon with MIXed technologies)
for StoRIES Research Infrastructures
PCS (Prova Collettori Solari experimental plant)
for StoRIES Research Infrastructueres